Mitigation Bank Members
Big Cypress Mitigation Bank
Big Cypress Mitigation Bank offers compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts in the South Florida West Collier, East Collier, and Estero Bay Basins. The bank provides state and federal freshwater forested and herbaceous WRAP credits permitted by the South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Composed of two parallel properties encompassing 2,600 acres north of the Big Cypress Preserve in Hendry County, the bank also offers Panther Habitat Units deemed regionally significant and crucial habitat for the Florida Panther.
Kasey Carrere – Mitigation Bank Program Manager
Email: kcarrere@res.us
Phone: 561.762.2334
Lynn Zenzack – Credit Sales
Email: lzmitigation@gmail.com
Phone: 239.633.8775
Big Bullfrog Creek Mitigation Bank
The Big Bullfrog Creek Mitigation Bank is a 175.09-acre conservation area in the process of being established to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts located in the Tampa Bay basin. The Bank consists of mixed wetland hardwoods, wet flatwoods, and upland pine flatwoods along the banks of Big Bullfrog Creek. The Bank has been degraded by ditching and runoff from adjacent row crops, cattle grazing, clearing for pasture, selective pine tree logging, exotic species invasion, and prolonged fire suppression, resulting in significantly degraded wetland habitats. The restoration of the Bank will consist of backfilling ditches, treatment of agricultural runoff, creation of new wetlands, oak tree thinning, exotic species eradication, supplemental planting, and reintroduction of prescribed fire to restore all the wetland and upland buffer habitats to their optimal condition.
The Big Bullfrog Creek Mitigation Bank will have palustrine forested credits available approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The Big Bullfrog Creek Mitigation Bank will also have freshwater forested credits available approved by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD).
Pamela Harris
Email: pharris@greensourceep.com
Phone: 813.765.6846
Boarshead Ranch Mitigation Bank
Boarshead Ranch Mitigation Bank is a 1,544-acre bank located in Pasco County, uniquely positioned within the boundaries of the Hillsborough River and Withlacoochee River Watersheds. Boarshead Ranch Mitigation Bank was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Southwest Florida Water Management District to provide forested and herbaceous wetland credits within a specialized service area includes the entire Withlacoochee River Basin and a portion of the Hillsborough River Basin.
Kae Hovater
Email: kae@ecocreditmarketing.com
Phone: 352.874.7370
Bill Blanchard
Email: bblanchard@wrbresources.com
Phone: 813.223.9000
Website: https://www.ecocreditmarketing.com/boarshead-ranch-mitigation-bank
Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank
Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank, located in Polk County, Florida, sits on 400+ acres of wetlands within the southern region of the Reedy Creek Drainage Basin, in the Kissimmee River Watershed (HUC 03090101). Situated in the South Orlando Disney area, the Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank site is surrounded by the Disney Wilderness Preserve (DWP) as well as South Florida Water Management District preserve lands. Credits from Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank are approved by the South Florida Water Management District to satisfy compliance under the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Program. Currently, State Herbaceous and Forested UMAM Credits are available from the Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank.
Joe Williams
Email: joe@ecosystempartners.com
Phone: 410.982.0240
Website: https://ecosystempartners.com/projects/bullfrog-bay
Farmton Mitigation Bank
Miami Corporation owns and operates the 23,000-acre Farmton Mitigation Bank (FMB) in Volusia and Brevard Counties, Florida. FMB was permitted in 2000 by both the St. Johns River Water Management District and the US Army Corp of Engineers. FMB’s state service area includes Basin 17 (Halifax River), Basin 18 (St. Johns River (Canaveral Marshes to Wekiva)), Basin 19 (Econolockhatchee River Nested), Basin 23 (Lake Jesup) and parts of Basins 14, 16, and 20. FMB’s federal service area includes all or significant portions of the freshwater Upper, Middle and Lower St. Johns River Basins, Lake George Basin and the Northern Coastal Basin.
Helen Hutchens
Email: hhutchens@miami-corp.com
Phone 312.644.6720
Highlands Ranch Mitigation Bank
Highlands Ranch Mitigation Bank offers compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts in the Northern St Johns River and Northern Coastal Basin 4. The bank satisfies both state and federal freshwater forested UMAM credits permitted by the St. Johns River Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Encompassing 1,576 acres in Clay County, Highlands Ranch Mitigation Bank is an exemplary example of pine plantation restored into mesic flatwoods and sandhill communities with isolated and contiguous wetlands of enhanced mixed forested wetland and bay swamp within the Ocala to Osceola Greenway. Substantial upland habitat within the bank also serves as a Gopher Tortoise recipient site approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Desmond Duke – Credit Sales
Email: dduke@ecoresolve.com
Phone 239.530.8044
Horse Creek Mitigation Bank
The Horse Creek Mitigation Bank is a 402-acre wetland restoration project located in Desoto County, Florida. Together with Peace River and Boran Ranch Mitigation Banks, the Horse Creek Mitigation Banks provides state and federally approved freshwater forested and non-forested wetland credits throughout the Peace River subbasin ( HUC 03100101).
Wade Waltimyer
Email: wwaltimyer@earthbalance.com
Phone: 941.628.6517
Website: https://ecosystempartners.com/project/horse-creek/
Lake Istokpoga Mitigation Bank
The proposed Lake Istokpoga Mitigation Bank is a 387-acre wetland restoration project located in Highlands County within the Lake Wales Ridge. Once approved, Lake Istokpoga Mitigation Banks will provide state and federal freshwater forested and non-forested wetland credits within the Lake Arbuckle, South Kissimmee, North Kissimmee, Middle Kissimmee, and Fisheating Creek drainage basins in SWFWMD and Kissimmee River basin in SWFWMD (HUC 03090101).
Sarah Nelson
Email: Sarah.Nelson@bargedesign.com
Phone: 352.371-4333
Tiffany Petkov
Email: tiffany@jmbcompanies.com
Phone: 407.405.6016
Lake Swamp Mitigation Bank
The 1,891-acre Lake Swamp Mitigation Bank, operated by Lake Swamp, LLC, is located in Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida. It is a UMAM-permitted bank that is in good standing with the St. Johns River Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Habitat restoration, enhancement and preservation provided by Lake Swamp are used as the basis for establishing credits to offset wetland impact. The Bank is named after the most significant on-site water resource. The wetland system associated with this regionally significant mitigation bank extends into Groover Branch, a small creek that widens into a waterway leading to the Little Tomoka River.
The bank provides forested freshwater wetland mitigation credits in SJRWMD Basin 17 (Halifax River), which encompasses portions of Flagler and Volusia Counties. The federal service area extends farther north and includes most of St. Johns County.
For more information click here.
Clint Smith
Email: clintfsmith@aol.com
Phone: 386.931.4496
Lake Wales Ridge Conservation Bank
The Lake Wales Ridge Conservation Bank is a 363.5 acre conservation area established to provide compensatory mitigation for the federally threatened sand skink and blue-tailed mole skink (skinks) located on the Lake Wales Ridge. The Bank consists of scrub, sandhill, and scrubby flatwoods habitats interspersed with freshwater marshes and wet prairies. The Lake Wales Ridge Conservation Bank has sand skink and blue-tailed mole skink (skink) credits approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Bank will have Service-approved Florida scrub-jay credits. In addition, the Bank will soon be approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission as a Gopher Tortoise recipient site.
Pamela Harris
Email: pharris@greensourceep.com
Phone: 813.765.6846
Mangrove Point Mitigation Bank
Mangrove Point Mitigation Bank is a premier estuarine restoration project that is the missing piece of a nearly 8,000-acre conservation complex of land located in the middle of Tampa Bay. Southern States Land & Timber is restoring the 469-acre disturbed site back to its highly valuable natural state of mangrove forest, saltern, and other associated habitat, enabling the site to be an important contributor to the greater ecosystem of the eastern Tampa Bay shoreline tidal community integrated with the adjacent E.G. Simmons Park, the Wolf Branch Park, and other conservation lands.
Mangrove Point Mitigation Bank provides Saltwater Forested and Saltwater Herbaceous Credits as a preferred solution for estuarine wetland impacts that approved through State and Federal permits within the Tampa Bay Watershed.
Aaron Landry
Email: aaron@jmbcompanies.com
Phone: 337.205.6285
Tiffany Petkov
Email: tiffany@jmbcompanies.com
Phone: 407.405.6016
Missing Link Mitigation Bank
The Missing Link Mitigation Bank is a 418.50 acre conservation area in the process of being established to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts located in the Southern Ocklawaha River and Palatlakaha River (Nested) basin. The Bank consists of mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress domes and strands, wet prairies, wet flatwoods, and upland pine flatwoods.
The Missing Link Mitigation Bank will have palustrine forested and palustrine emergent credits available approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The Missing Link Mitigation Bank will also have freshwater forested and freshwater herbaceous credits available approved by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and the St. John’s River Water Management District (SJRWMD).
Pamela Harris-Credit Sales
Email: pharris@greensourceep.com
Phone: 813.765.6846
Myakka Mitigation Bank
2579 N. Toledo Blade Boulevard, North Port, FL 34289
Don Ross Email: dross@earthbalance.com
Phone: 941.426.7878
Website: http://www.earthbalance.com
NeoVerde Basin 21 Mitigation Bank
The NeoVerde Mitigation Bank is owned and operated by EcoLandCo, a private investment firm formed by a group of families with strong ties to Florida’s history and its landscapes that are passionate about investing and restoring environmentally strategic land in the state of Florida. The project is approximately 1,300 acres and is located in south Volusia County, Florida. Permitted with both the St. Johns River Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the project provides State and Federal freshwater herbaceous and forested wetland mitigation credits in the Northern Indian River Lagoon (Basin 21).
Deryck Harmer
Email: dharmer@ecolandco.com
Phone: 407-399-8245
Website: http://www.ecolandco.com
Old Florida Mitigation Bank
The Old Florida Mitigation Bank is a 1,093 acre wetland restoration project located in Pasco County, Florida where an old pasture was restored by filling a large drainage ditch, introducing controlled fires, and reestablishing native wetland plants. Together with the Upper Coastal Mitigation Bank, the Old Florida Mitigation Bank provides state and federally approved freshwater forested and non-forested wetland credits throughout the Crystal-Pithlachascotee subbasin ( HUC 03100207).
Joe Williams
Email: joe@ecosystempartners.com
Phone: 410.982.0240
Website: https://ecosystempartners.com/project/old-florida/
Panther Island Mitigation Bank
Panther Island Mitigation Bank is one of the premier wetland restoration projects in Southwest Florida. The fully restored Panther Island lands will be preserved in perpetuity through a conservation easement and a long-term stewardship trust fund which will be managed by Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and owned by The National Audubon Society. Located contiguous with portions of the Corkscrew Regional Eco-System Watershed (CREW) and Save Our Rivers (SOR) lands, Panther Island provides significant regional wetland restoration enhancement, benefiting both freshwater wetland systems and wildlife habitat in the CREW lands. The total Mitigation Bank site is 4,471 acres; and when completed will have generated a total of 1,521 mitigation credits for the work done on the restoration, enhancement, preservation and perpetual management of the entire bank site.
Panther Island offers freshwater forested and herbaceous wetland credits along with listed species mitigation (Wood Stork, Florida Panther and other species) for development impacts in in Lee, Collier and Hendry Counties. The Mitigation Service Area for Panther Island is primarily contained within the SFWMD’s Estero Bay, East Collier, and West Collier Basins.
For more information click: www.wetlandsbank.com
Desmond Duke – Credit Sales
Email: dduke@ecoresolve.com
Phone: 239.530.8044
Robert Miller – Authorized Agent
Email: rmiller@wetlandsbank.com
Phone: 954.642.2463
Peace River Mitigation Bank
The Peace River Mitigation Bank is a 487 acre mitigation bank in Hardee County, Florida and is known for its picturesque scenery of the Peace River surrounded by beautiful trees. Together with the Boran Ranch Mitigation Bank, the Peace River Mitigation Bank provides state and federally approved freshwater forested and non-forested wetland credits throughout the Peace River subbasin (HUC 03100101).
Wade Waltimyer
Email: wwaltimyer@earthbalance.com
Phone: 941.628.6517
Website: https://ecosystempartners.com/project/peace-river/
Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank
Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC owns and operates the 1,188-acre Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank in Santa Rosa County, Florida. The bank provides wetland mitigation credits in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties. The service area is centered on the Pensacola Bay watershed and encompasses extreme southern portions of the Escambia River and Blackwater River watersheds. The bank was approved in 2011 and is in good standing with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
For more information click here.
Kelly Sands
Email: ksands@westervelt.com
Phone: 850.661.4292
John Wigginton
Email: jwigginton@westervelt.com
Phone: 334.821.1999
Website: http://www.wesmitigation.com
Pioneer Mitigation Bank
Mosaic Fertilizer owns the 1,238.6-acre proposed Pioneer Mitigation Bank in Hardee County, Florida. The bank will provide forested and herbaceous wetland mitigation credits primarily in Charlotte, Desoto, Hardee, and Polk Counties within SWFWMD’s Peace River Basin. The bank is pending approval with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
For more information click here.
Shelley Thornton
Email: Shelley.Thornton@mosaicco.com
Phone: 813.500.6958
St. Marks Mitigation Bank
Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC owns and operates the 1,450-acre St. Marks Mitigation Bank. The bank provides wetland mitigation credits in the St. Marks River basin, which includes Jefferson, Leon, and Wakulla Counties. The bank was approved in 2011 and is in good standing with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
For more information click here.
Kelly Sands
Email: ksands@westervelt.com
Phone: 850.661.4292
John Wigginton
Email: jwigginton@westervelt.com
Phone: 334.821.1999
Website: https://www.wesmitigation.com
Tiger Bay Mitigation Bank
Tiger Bay Mitigation Bank provides State & Federal forested credits within the Halifax River Basin (Basin 17), which is within the St. Johns River Water Management District. Mitigation Bank credits are available to offset unavoidable wetland impacts that are located within the Halifax River with UMAM credits. The Tiger Bay Mitigation Bank is a 2,498.99-acre mitigation bank that located in Volusia County, Florida. The bank was permitted by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) which can be utilized as mitigation for impacts within the service area. Restoration activities include forestry thinning, prescribed burning, planting of hardwoods and pines, and natural hydrological enhancement.
Mac Hagan
Email: mhagan@geosamfl.com
Phone: 386.366.75109
Upper Coastal Mitigation Bank
The Upper Coastal Mitigation Bank is a 149 acre wetland restoration project located in Citrus County, Florida. Together with the Old Florida Mitigation Bank, the Upper Coastal Mitigation Bank provides state and federally approved freshwater forested and non-forested wetland credits throughout the Crystal-Pithlachascotee subbasin (HUC 03100207).
Joe Williams
Email: joe@ecosystempartners.com
Phone: 410.982.0240
Website: https://ecosystempartners.com/project/upper-coastal/
Wiggins Prairie Mitigation Bank
The Wiggins Prairie Mitigation Bank is a 492.44-acre conservation area established to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts located in the Hillsborough River basin. Owned by Southern States Land & Timber LLC (a division of JMB Companies, Inc.), the Bank consists of mixed wetland hardwoods, cypress domes and strands, freshwater marshes, wet prairies, and upland live oak hammocks. The Wiggins Prairie Mitigation Bank will have various credit types available:
- palustrine forested and palustrine emergent credits approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- federally threatened Wood Stork Suitable Foraging Habitat (SFH) credits approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- freshwater forested and freshwater herbaceous credits approved by the Southwest Florida Water Management District
Southern States Land & Timber manages three wetland mitigation banks and three conservation banks in the central Florida region.
Aaron Landry
Email: aaron@jmbcompanies.com
Phone: 337.205.6285
Tiffany Petkov
Email: tiffany@jmbcompanies.com
Phone: 407.405.6016
Associate Members
Bio-Tech Consulting Inc.
3025 E. South Street, Orlando, FL 32803
John Lesman
Email: jlesman@btc-inc.com
Phone: 407.894.5969
Website: http://www.bio-techconsulting.com
Birkitt Environmental
126 3rd Ave. N., Ste. 104, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Beverly Birkitt
Email: bbirkitt@birkitt.com
Phone: 813.259.1085
Website: http://www.bio-techconsulting.com
Breedlove Dennis & Associates, Inc.
330 W. Canton Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789
Mike Dennis
Email: Mike@bda-inc.com
Phone: 407.677.1882
Website: http://www.bda-inc.com
11801 Research Dr. Alachua, FL 32615
Andy Woodruff
Email: andy@chw-inc.com
Phone: 386.518.5176
Website: http://www.chw-inc.com
EcoResolve, Inc.
21346 Saint Andrews Blvd. Suite 434, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Desmond Duke
Email: dduke@ecoresolve.com
Phone: 239.530.8044
Website: http://ecoresolve.com
Environmental Consulting & Design, Inc.
4703 NE 53rd Ave., Suite B-2, Gainesville, FL 32653
Carl Salafrio
Email: csalafrio@ecdflorida.com
Phone: 352.371.4333
Sarah Nelson
Email: snelson@ecdflorida.com
Phone: 352.371.4333
Eco Capital Advisors
3414 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 990
Atlanta, GA 30326
Brian Normanly
Email: normanly@ecocapitaladvisors.com
Phone: 770.400.9682
Website: http://www.ecocapitaladvisors.com
EcoCredit Marketing
614 E. Hwy 50, Suite 254,
Clermont, FL 34711
Kae Hovater
Email: kae@ecocreditmarketing.com
Phone: 352.874.7370
Website: http://www.ecocreditmarketing.com
P.O. Box 20376, Sarasota, FL 34276
Pamela Fetterman
Email: pfetterman@ecogenesisllc.com
Phone: 941.321.8107
Website: http://www.ecogenesisllc.com
Ecological Resource Consultants
100 Amar Place,
Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Joseph Schuster
Email: jschuster@ecoresource.com
Phone: 850.230.1882
Website: http://www.ecoresource.com
Flatwoods Consulting Group
8306 Laurel Fair Circle, Suite 120,
Tampa, FL 33610
Shannon Gonzalez
Email: sgonzalez@flatwoodsconsulting.com
Phone: 813.600.5747
Website: http://www.flatwoodsconsulting.com/
Green Source Environmental Professionals
15315 Indian Head Drive, Tampa, FL 33618
Pamela E. Harris
Email: pharris@greensourcerep.com
Phone: 813.765.6846
Website: http://www.greensourceep.com
215 South Monroe Street, Suite 601, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Eric Olsen
Email: eolsen@gunster.com
Phone: 850.521.1739
Website: http://www.gunster.com
Icarus Ecological Services
8639 Ranchwood Lane, Saint Augustine, FL 32092
Thomas Estes
Email: thomas@icaruses.com
Phone: 850.222.5702
Website: http://www.icaruses.com
Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.
315 South Calhoun Street, Suite 830, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Lori Killinger
Email: lkillinger@llw-law.com
Phone: 850.222.5702
Website: http://www.llw-law.com
Manson Bolves Donaldson Varn, PA
109 North Brush Street, Suite 300
Tampa, FL 33602
Chris Tanner
Email: ctanner@mansonbolves.com
Phone: 813.514.4700
Website: http://www.mansonbolves.com
The Mitigation Banking Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 195813, Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Victoria K. Colangelo
Email: victoria@mitigationbankinginc.com
Phone: 407.960.5787
Website: http://www.mitigationbankinginc.com
Mitigation Development Services
501 Riverside Ave, Suite 902, Jacksonville, FL 32202
Bill Schroeder
Email: bill@mitigationdev.com
Phone: 904.536.3386
Website: http://www.mitigationdev.com
Mitigation Marketing
P.O. Box 540285, Orlando, FL 32854
Alex Preisser
Email: alex@mitigationmarketing.com
Phone: 407.481.0677
Website: https://mitigationmarketing.com/
Nason, Yeager, Gerson, Harris & Fumero, P.A.
750 Park of Commerce Blvd., Suite 210, Boca Raton, FL 33487
John J. Fumero
Email: jfumero@nasonyeager.com
Phone: 561.982.7114
Website: http://www.nasonyeager.com
Natural Resource Planning Services, Inc.
Po Box 564, San Antonio, FL 33576
Jack Vogel
Email: jackv@nrpsforesters.com
Phone: 352.588.2580
Website: http://www.nrpsforesters.com
Passarella and Associates
13620 Metropolis Avenue, Suite 200 FortMyers, FL 33912
Ken Passarella
Email: kenp@passarella.net
Phone: 239.274.0067
Website: https://passarella.net
Quest Ecology
735 Lakeview Drive Wimauma, FL 33598
Vivienne Handy
Email: vivienne@questecology.com
Phone: 813.642.0799
Website: http://questecology.com/
Stearns Weaver Miller
106 E. College Ave., Suite 700, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Amelia Savage
Email: asavage@stearnsweaver.com
Phone: 850.354.7606
Website: https://stearnsweaver.com
TerraBlue Environmental
P.O. Box 135, Homosassa Springs, Florida 34447
Sharon Collins
Email: scollins@terrablueenvironmental.com
Phone: 386.878.3064